October 31 - November 6

Minnie Mouse for Halloween

 We didn't really do anything for Halloween because Mary is too little for trick or treating but we did watch a Halloween movie when Paul got home from work and we dressed Mary up as Minnie Mouse for the day. 

Helping with the dishes

Happy birthday to Rachel on Wednesday. Paul went on a work trip to Colorado all day on Friday.  I dropped him off at the airport at 6 am then Mary and I went home and went back to bed for a couple of hours.  It was a rainy, hot, and muggy day but we weren't going to let that keep us at home.  We went to the local library and another mom in the ward came with her 3-year-old and 5-month-old.  We hung out there for probably an hour and a half.  Then Mary and I went to grab some fun groceries for the weekend.  I tried to put Mary down for a nap but she wasn't having it, so I put her back in the car and we drove to the other side of Austin and did an easy nature hike up to the Mount Bonnell lookout.  It is the highest point in Travis County and overlooks Austin Lake.  It was beautiful but really muggy and sticky.  Paul called me while we were driving back home and he told me how his trip was going and he got to look around Denver and Boulder a little bit.  After that Mary and I made some pumpkin cookies and watched Finding Nemo then we went to bed.

Jacob's Well

Happy anniversary to Peter and Mykael on Saturday and congratulations on their pregnancy.  Saturday I made cinnamon rolls, following a video Eliza sent me on Instagram.  They turned out super good!  I saved a couple for Paul and he loved them too, even though he doesn't like cinnamon rolls as much as I do.  I put Mary down for an early nap and finished some chores before I woke her up and we went to the airport to pick Paul up.  We then grabbed some lunch on the way home.  I have been wanting to see BJ Novak's movie Vengeance since I saw the trailer in July.  It is streaming now and we watched it but were very disappointed.  It was a murder mystery kind of movie but was very preachy and wasted time lecturing instead of developing the story.

Mount Bonnell

Sunday we drove out to Jacob's Well which is a natural spring that is 140 feet deep and then extends for almost a mile of explored caves.  The opening at the top is 12 feet wide.  The river it contributes to is pretty shallow because there is a drought but it was a beautiful wooded area that was fun to explore.  We also looked around the cute town half a mile away called Wimberley before driving back home.  Mary fell right to sleep for the drive home and woke up as soon as the car stopped and smiled as soon as she saw me.  She is such a ray of happiness in our lives.  She has been waking frequently during the night, so we ordered a weighted sleep sack to see if that will help her be more restful during the night.  She also stood a few times on her own and without holding onto anything.  She is doing so well.


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