
Showing posts from December, 2021

December 13-19, 2021

  Monday we celebrated my boss' birthday by going to Zoli's Pizza.  On the way back to the office we stopped by the new office they are moving to next month to show it to Kaylee.  We had an Office Action due for a trademark that required a couple of exhibits.  Scott finished the response and Kaylee was working on one of the exhibits.  I put together the others and one exhibit, I had to include 130 registration certificates and document them all in a table.  It took me four hours.  Scott was upset because he wanted to leave early for his birthday.  He ended up leaving early and then coming back later that night.  I stayed until 6 pm creating the exhibit.  Then I went home and made some teriyaki steak for dinner.  I cleaned up the kitchen while Paul was driving home.  Then we watched half of Jim Carrey's Grinch before calling it a day.  Tuesday the building we're in threw a Christmas luncheon and served fajitas.  I felt like I was the only one that actually ate the fajita

December 6-12, 2022

Monday I had a doctor's appointment.  I was able to leave work early on Monday, which was super nice because the crib mattress was supposed to be delivered last Saturday, so I was able to track it down.  I was able to locate it at a UPS pick-up point just up the street from the apartment.  They were open until 8 PM, so I could wait for Paul to come home to go get it.  While I waited for him to come home, I cleaned up the apartment.  When Paul got home we went to pick up the mattress.  I was excited to open it up and put it in the nursery.    Tuesday the bookshelf came for the nursery and I was so excited.  I took everything out of the box and got styrofoam everywhere.  I tried to put the shelves together but I got to the first step and realized that I would not be able to do this by myself, so I would have to wait for Paul to do it.  He was super tired on Tuesday, he got home and fell asleep by 8 PM.  I still had energy, so I wrote all my thank you notes for the Roberts shower that