November 28 - December 4


We met up with Hannah and Addie for a park play date on Tuesday.  We wanted to see them before they went out of town for a week.  Wednesday I was able to practice the piano before Mary woke up.  She slept great this week, I think her sleep regression is over.  She's been sniffly lately, so we just stayed inside all day on Wednesday so Mary didn't need to be out in the cold weather or around other people.  We Facetimed with Wendy that evening and Mary was so playful.  She was very talkative and expressive to Wendy and would reach out and touch her face on the screen.  She held onto my finger and showed off how good she is getting at walking.  She loves telling stories, she will use her hands, her facial expressions will change, and her voice pitch changes too.

Thursday Emily flew into Austin and we picked her up and she stayed with us that night.  Friday Matt and Hannah came over and Mary and I drove the three of them to the airport for their flight to Paris.  When we got home we did some crafts and Mary had fun playing in the cupboards while I cleaned up.  She will pull everything out of a cupboard then sit down in it and play or tell me a story.  Paul got home from work a little early and we just had a relaxed evening staying in.

Saturday we got new tires on the Civic.  We were snapping in the car this weekend to some music and Mary started mimicking my hand motions and made the correct motion to snap her fingers, it was incredible!  She also copied us when we blew kisses to her, she smacked her lips together to make a kissy noise.  Paul told her to say daddy and she said "Da da" very clearly in response.  Maybe officially her first word?  Her language seems to be developing.  I think she can kind of say Mom and Dad.  She can shake her head no and she understands when I say: thank you, clapping, dancing, kisses, and I love you.

Mary is not very fond of cantaloupe but she likes pears.  She often gets sick of certain foods I give her like she will eat strawberries and pineapple really well one day then the next day she won't touch either of them, but every time I make her oatmeal with bananas, she will eat it until she is full.

Mary also loves brushing her teeth and taking baths.  She loves splashing in the water and she loves it when I pour the warm water down her back but she hates getting her head wet, especially her face.  She also loves getting her back tickled.  She likes it when I brush her hair with my hairbrush, and her hair is getting so long and curly in the back!  She also knows that her dad is the fun parent and whenever she sees him, she will smile and start laughing.  She loves when they get to play together.


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